Kill Me Baby (キルミーベイベー, Kiru Mī Beibē) or Baby, please kill me. is a Japanese four-panel manga series written and illustrated by Kaduho which began serialization in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Carat from July 2008. It follows the school lives of a female assassin, her dimwitted friend, and a kunoichi. An anime adaptation by J.C. Staff began airing in Japan from January 5, 2012.
Sonya (ソーニャ, Sōnya)
A foreign trained assassin attending a regular highschool. As she constantly takes on assassin work she is constantly alert and often attacks Yasuna when she takes her by surprise or tries to play jokes on her. Despite her tough composure, she is scared of various things such as cockroaches, ghosts and wild animals.
Yasuna Oribe (折部 やすな, Oribe Yasuna)
Sonya's dimwitted classmate who is often friendly to Sonya despite how dangerous she is. She tends to take on the brunt of Sonya's attacks whenever she takes her by surprise or goes overboard with her pranks.
Agiri Goshiki (呉織 あぎり, Goshiki Agiri)
A laid back ninja from the same organization as Sonya. She transferred to Sonya's school for some assignments and stays at a former ninja club room without permission. She often tries to scam people into buying suspect 'ninjutsus'.
The Rejected Character (没キャラ, Botsu-kyara)
A dark skinned redheaded character with no name who was supposed to be part of the main cast, but was dropped as Yasuna had supposedly taken on all her personality traits. She has since vowed revenge against Yasuna and Sonya.